Friday 27 March 2009

The Death of a Fish...or two

Sad. Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.

I got into the tropical fish scene for my 40th (pressie from wife) and have, or rather had a spledidly stocked tank. Minnows, guppies, mollies and guramis there were. Till I noticed a molly apparettly trying to bump start one of its less than mobile chums. A day or so later, the same or another molly (who really knows) attempting to help a clearly buggered but not quite dead guppy that was swimming in a slightly upside down manner by adjusting its weight distribution. Yup, it was eating its fins. Gotta love that helping manner. Mollies all the way!

Thursday 19 March 2009

You know it's sad bud true...

So how did I see my birthday in? Hunched over my shiny new netbook trying to get it to see the WiFi hotspot I had running on my phone!! Had some limited success but am steadfastly leaving all geek action until after my birthday.
Got my first present this morning. A fresh, steaming poo, courtesy of Millie/Milly (how bad that I don't even know how to spell my dog's name).
Off to the Three Horseshoes for a birthday luncheon with chums from work and then, tonight, heading to Bang Bar for a joint, if slightly ad hoc, birthday party with Kat. Tomorrow is going to be a splendid day of laziness. Sarah and I are seeing the kids off to school and then mooching off for a day of cafes, pubs and general ease. Can't wait!

Thursday 12 March 2009

First Post

With progress on Fiddy at a low ebb I've been reluctant to post entries on that blog just for the hell of it. THIS blog is where I'll be posting stuff for the hell of it. General ramblings, observations, things I like and dislike and some full on crap. The usual stuff really.